St. Edward Faith Community - Proudly Sharing Our Faith For A Century 1919-2024

Up Coming Events

Knights of Columbus

                                                      Msgr. Witkowiak Council 697

                                                         2516 Winthrop Ave.

                                                         Racine, WI  53403






Msgr. S. B. Witkowiak Council 697 of the Knights of Columbus, in cooperation with the Wisconsin State and Supreme Councils of the Knights, is sponsoring the Catholic Citizenship Essay Contest, open annually to all Catholic students in public, private, parochial schools or homeschooled, grades 8-12.  Non-Catholic students in Catholic schools, parish CCD programs, etc. are also eligible.

This year’s theme is: “What are the 2 most important virtues for an elected leader to possess and why?  How can you determine of the leader has these virtues?”  The essay is to be 500-700 words.  Contest guidelines can be obtained from the Wisconsin State Council website (, the Supreme KC website (, or from State Youth Programs Director William Frayer (

Essays will be judged at the Council (local), State and International levels.  Winning students will be awarded gift cards, medals or plaques, ribbons, Certificates of Merit.

Essays are to be written in October and November.  They are due to Councils NO LATER THAN DECEMBER 15, 2024.  We can arrange to pick them up as needed. 

For more information or to have essays picked up, please contact:


Bill Frayer        2339 Meachem St.  53403                     633-7887

Paul Noelke     6517 River Meadow Turn  53402          886-6408

Jim Sisak          1140 N. Sunnyslope Rd. #208  53406    884-9505


Essays can also be sent to KC Council 697, 2516 Winthrop Ave., Racine, WI  53403.





Knights of Columbus

                                                      Msgr. Witkowiak Council 697

                                                         2516 Winthrop Ave.

                                                         Racine, WI  53403





                                                                                                September 30, 2024




Msgr. S. B. Witkowiak Council 697 of the Knights of Columbus, in cooperation with the Wisconsin State and Supreme Councils of the Knights, is sponsoring the Catholic Citizenship Essay Contest, open annually to all Catholic students in public, private, parochial schools or homeschooled, grades 8-12.  Non-Catholic students in Catholic schools, parish CCD programs, etc. are also eligible.

This year’s theme is: “What are the 2 most important virtues for an elected leader to possess and why?  How can you determine of the leader has these virtues?”  The essay is to be 500-700 words.  See the attached guidelines for more information.

Essays will be judged at the Council (local), State and International levels.  Winning students will be awarded a combination of gift cards, medals or plaques, ribbons, Certificates of Merit.

Essays are to be written in October and November.  They are due to Councils (one of those listed below) NO LATER THAN DECEMBER 15, 2024.  We can arrange to pick them up as needed.  Essays will be judged at the Council level in late December; 1st and 2nd place winners will be judged at the State level in January.  1st and 2nd place winners at the State level will be sent to New Haven, CT for International judging in February.  Winners will be announced at the local level in January and at the State level in February, Supreme level in March or April.

For more information or to have essays picked up, please contact:


Bill Frayer        2339 Meachem St.  53403                     633-7887

Paul Noelke     6517 River Meadow Turn  53402          886-6408

Steve Jansta     2809 Norwood Dr.  53403                     554-6376

Jim Corona      2118 Shoop St.  53404                          632-8137

Jim Sisak          1140 N. Sunnyslope Rd. #208  53406    884-9505


Essays can also be sent to KC Council 697, 2516 Winthrop Ave., Racine, WI  53403.





William E. Frayer

Contest Coordinator, Council 697

KC State Youth Programs Director