St. Edward Faith Community - Proudly Sharing Our Faith For A Century 1919-2024

Pastoral Council -- Membership and Meeting Dates

Pastoral Council Elections results for the upcoming year are as follows:

Serving 3-year terms will be:

Laura Gellott

Jeanne Brush

Claudia Kovara

Serving a 2-year term will be:

Mary Maddaugh

Serving a 1-year term will be:

Michael Burmeister


2022/23 Pastoral Council Roster:

    1. Fr. Juan Manuel Camacho
    2. Fr. Jose Mario
    3. Jeff Greulich, Chairperson
    4. Dave Tuttle, Vice Chair
    5. Ellen Huck, Secretary
    6. Fran Angelini, Trustee Secretary
    7. Barb Pippinger, Trustee Treasurer
    8. Anne Sadowski
    9. Claudia Kovara
    10. Barbara Hantschel
    11. Jeanne Brush
    12. Michael Burmeister
    13.  Open 

Joint Pastoral Council Meeting Dates 2022-2023:

September 20 - Social Parish Council Members - Roma Lodge

November 15 - St. Patrick's - Cristo Rey Hall

January 17 - St Richard's - Vogel Hall

March 21 - St. Edward's - Schaefer Hall

May 16 - St. Patrick's - Cristo Rey Hall

June 20 - TBD

All meetings begin at 6:00 p.m.